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Pdf moluscos gasteropodos terrestres y dulceacuicolas del area. However, due to the disappearance of the natural landscape due to the increase in recent years of coffee and cane crops in the municipality and the lack in mexico of specimens reported in those studies, it is interesting to document the actual diversity of the municipality. Pdf moluscos gasteropodos terrestres y dulceacuicolas. Terrestrial gastropods from misiones province, argentina. The atlantic forest represents one of the global priority ecoregions for biodiversity conservation. Previous studies about the gastropod diversity of atoyac, demonstrated the presence of 37 terrestrial gastropods species. Publication date 1989 usage attributionnoncommercial 3. Santiago, nuevo leon, mexico, 23 especies correa 19961997 caracoles terrestres mo llusca. Pdf moluscos gasteropodos terrestres y dulceacuicolas del. Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following locations. Diego eduardo gutierrez gregoric, veronica nunez, roberto eugenio vogler. Aparato circulatorio en moluscos gasteropodos by carmen. Presentation mode open print download current view.

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